Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. If you're thinking of starting a Reiki business, congratulations! But before you do anything else, make sure you're doing this one thing first and foremost... Offering Reiki sessions! So often on our Reiki business journey, new Reiki business owners ask where to start, and they often start first with creating a business name, logo, or a website. And when we start a Reiki business, it's indeed tempting to focus on these things. But starting simply by offering Reiki sessions right away will provide you with numerous benefits and lay a strong foundation for your business. By offering Reiki sessions right away before you take the time to create a name, logo, website, or engage in some other business distraction, you will gain valuable experience and build your confidence as a practitioner. Getting practice will help you develop your skills, get feedback from clients, and create your unique process for offering Reiki sessions. Providing Reiki sessions first will also help you to determine and define the type of clients you want to serve. You'll be able to serve all kinds of clients seeking Reiki for all kinds of reasons. By offering sessions to all kinds of people for all kinds of reasons, whether pain relief, anxiety, improved sleep, relationship challenges, etc., you'll be able to see if there's a type of client you're drawn to working with more closely. Starting first with offering Reiki sessions will help you determine your ideal Reiki client. While there are numerous Reiki business models, if your Reiki biz primarily focuses on providing Reiki sessions, then offering Reiki sessions will be central to your business, so starting your business activity there makes the most sense. For more Reiki business tips and encouragement, please feel free to get the free Reiki Biz Kit, tune in to the Build Your Reiki Business podcast, and join the Reiki Business Collective on Facebook. This article is also a video! Comments are closed.