Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing I know there are different types of Reiki, but is the energy in one type of Reiki better than another? In the Reiki community, you will hear references to all different types of Reiki: Usui, Karuna, Holy Fire, Violet Flame, Dragon, Angel,... The list goes on and on. There are so many types that people new to Reiki and even people already practicing Reiki will wonder which they should learn, which is best, and if they should learn multiple kinds.
I think it's problematic for practitioners to claim that any one style or type of Reiki is better than another, and yet we hear it frequently, especially with regards to practitioners of certain types of "upgraded" styles. Here's why: Reiki, meaning the life force energy, cannot get more Reiki. Reiki cannot be more Reiki. It's important to draw a distinction here between Reiki as energy and Reiki as a system of practice, which are two different things. Reiki the system has its roots in Japan, and many types of Reiki draw inspiration from Usui Reiki, though they differ from it in many ways. Reiki, the spiritually guided universal life force energy of all things Reiki, can't be more Reiki. So the energy that these systems strive to cultivate can't be stronger or more powerful from one type to the next. I believe it's the same as love...true, unconditional love cannot be more unconditional. It's already without condition. This means that the energy Reiki within the practice of Reiki can't be more powerful and one type can't be better than another in terms of the strength of the energy itself. I personally believe that any claims of one style of Reiki being stronger than another really have to do with the individual practitioner's belief. For instance, if I believe that my style is better and "my Reiki" is stronger, then does this potentially impact how I show up in my sessions? Does it even possibly impact how I talk about it with clients and within the Reiki community? I think it probably does. We know for a fact that studies of grade school students who are told they are in the "gifted" class earn better grades than those who are not. In these studies, the "gifted" students are not in fact better achievers, but are rather simply told that they are. These students then rise to that belief and do indeed perform better. I do not believe that any style of Reiki is better or stronger or even a different kind of energy...only that the practices and beliefs of the individual practitioner are having an impact. You may be interested in checking out my free Reiki Kit for more Reiki information.
I 100% agree with you on this Christian. Reiki is Reiki is Reiki. It's all energy and the only difference is in the teachings and the practitioner provides their service. Everyone has their own way of doing things that works best for them so in that, each practitioner is going to perform differently, but the Reiki is still the transfer of all of the same energy. Comments are closed.