Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. I just got attuned a couple of weeks ago, and it seems every time I do self Reiki I get a migraine straight afterwards. Today has been the worst! I really want to continue with self reiki but I don't want to make my migraines worse. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. Sending blessings and best wishes to your migraines. First, congratulations on your attunement! It's also great that you're doing self-Reiki. Well done! And with the migraines, I can understand that you might not want to continue with them. I have some questions for you to consider, including how long your self-Reiki sessions, for how long you've been doing it, how often, and etc. As you acclimate to the energy, you may want to change up your routine, but it's not uncommon to have physical reactions to Reiki, including headaches, particularly after an attunement.
Not everyone experiences symptoms after attunement, but some do, and there is a range of experiences from nothing at all to relaxation to better sleep to less sleep to headaches and even illness. If these symptoms are from the attunement, it's most likely because of energetic shifts, including healing. You may very well be experiencing a healing crisis in which the migraines will subside as you continue with can think of a healing crisis like a cut that itches as it heals and scabs over. The itching is not pleasant, but it's actually a sign of healing. That may be what you're experiencing, but there are also things we can do to ease that experience, like staying hydrated, grounding, taking physical care of ourselves, changing up the Reiki routine, and etc. You may also want to consider receiving Reiki, which can help, but if you do nothing and your headaches are from the energy shift from your attunements, they should go away on their own in the near future. Above all, know that your headaches are not a sign that you're doing something wrong because you can't mess it up! Comments are closed.