Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. I know there are Reiki Associations to register with once you receive your certification. Should I join one? Are politics within Reiki as a Profession like in other Professions to navigate through? Thanks for this question. There are a lot of opinions on Reiki associations, including whether or not they're even beneficial. I personally am not and have never been a member of a Reiki association. I may choose to join one in the future, but when I did my research on them years ago, I didn't see the benefit to me or my business.
In the years since, I've heard from numerous practitioners who either came to the same conclusion or who had been a member and decided not to renew their membership. I've never had a client who has asked if I'm a member of a Reiki association or organization. So are there politics involved? Probably. Politics is inherent in any organization or group of people...including the Reiki Business Collective! I encourage you to ask yourself what it is you want out of a Reiki association. There are benefits, of course, like increased visibility for your business, especially with membership directories and/or links to your website (known as "backlinks," which boost SEO) as well as article writing opportunities. I say don't worry so much about the politics and ask yourself instead what you want to get out of it...and even maybe what you want to give. Some might say giving your dues is enough, and other practitioners see it as an opportunity for service, networking, resource sharing, and etc. Definitely listen in on this episode of the Build Your Reiki Business podcast for more info on Reiki associations. Thanks, and blessings! Comments are closed.