Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. What would be the success of moving a Reiki business off of social media? How would you get word out about where you are and what’s happening other than emails to current clients? Definitely this is possible, at least for an in-person Reiki business. It would be harder for an online only Reiki business, but not impossible. Reiki existed before social media, and so did Reiki business.
If your business is in-person and very local, the best advertising is word of mouth and referrals. You would have clients who wouldn't even have seen or care to check out your social media presence. I personally recommend free events, like talks and workshops at libraries and community centers. These kinds of venues are always looking for activities. I also recommend gathering e-mail addresses at these kinds of events, even if your business is in-person only. It allows you to foster a relationship with attendees and keep them informed about you and your business. The vast majority of people you meet aren't yet ready to purchase a session with you when they first meet you. So if someone comes to your library talk and likes you and your presentation, they might not yet be ready to book a session with you, but you can be on their mind for when/if they are. I talk more in-depth about this and other in-person marketing strategies in the Build Your Reiki Business program, including give you easy to follow offline processes that you can use again and again to connect with potential clients. Sending blessings to ditching social media! Comments are closed.