Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. Do you have any tips to get more people to attend a Reiki share? When I stop offering them in my studio, so many people ask me to host them or are interested in attending, but when I offer them and it's time to sign up, very few do. When I offer these it's just because I’d like to see the community come together.
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. Are you familiar with Sadhguru's teachings? He has some negative opinions about Reiki and with his popularity growing, I've been getting more and more questions about it. I'm wondering what a good response to this YouTube video Is Reiki & Energy Healing Safe? would be.
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. My Reiki clients are asking me to start taking insurance for the wellness portion of their policies. Is that possible? Will health insurance cover Reiki? Can I bill my clients' health insurance? How does that work?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. I just started accepting money for my Reiki sessions. I have a PayPal account and am getting paid for my Reiki sessions through that, but I don't know how it works for taxes. I heard something about a 1099 form. Do I need to have an LLC for that? I just signed up for a spiritual business program and am hoping they address it, but it hasn't yet come up in the program. Can you help?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. I recently did Reiki at a wellness fair and had a drawing to win a free Reiki session after which I would tell them my pricing and packages. I selected numerous winners, and so far I've had two appointments, but they both no called/no showed. I'm bummed and this is discouraging. I've heard that giving away Reiki for free isn't a good idea. Was I wrong?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing I am offering tarot readings, oracle readings, and Reiki healings and offering my services for donations while I develop my business and get my name out there. I’m also working full-time and am a mom, so I’m limited on availability for clients, which also pushes me to feel donation-based is the best route until I have more time or experience. But when should I start charging?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. I just opened my Reiki space and I break even - I’m ok with that - it’s a slow build but it works for me and my schedule. I just had someone who I don’t know ask me if I would provide free services for victims of domestic violence and veterans. I would love to but also I need to make money (as we all do). How would you answer this?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. I'm looking for an office space to rent for Reiki. I just saw a potential space and I love it! However....the application is asking for my bank account number and my bank balance... I'm really uncomfortable giving away this information just to rent an office. I'm not sure how necessary this is and why he would need it? Is this normal?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. I have been doing my business as an intuitive Reiki master, sound healer, yoga instructor, Tarot and oracle reader for 5 years mostly as a hobby and because I like to help people. Over the past few months things changed drastically and my husband retired which resulted in an decrease of steady income coming in, and now I feel pressure to generate income. I’m looking for any job to bring in steady income with no luck so far while at the same time I’m struggling promoting my own business. Should I get a job or focus on making my business work?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. On our Reiki business journey, we all have points where we feel stuck, where we feel that maybe things aren't moving forward in the way that we would like them to. Here's encouragement for when we feel stuck in our Reiki business.
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. Everyone wants to go viral...including in our Reiki business, right? In this article, I'm sharing the secret formula with you. But use at your own risk because going viral has its drawbacks...
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. 361 billion emails are sent every single day. That's a lot of e-mails. But how many of those billions are you sending in your Reiki business? E-mail is a powerful way to build your Reiki business, but it's one of the most underused tools for building a Reiki business. Here's why and here are my three biggest e-mail tips...
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. It's common for us to get into a low vibe state, and it's actually a natural and normal human thing. If we have the expectation that we're always going to be high vibe, that we're never going to have low vibration experiences, we are setting up unrealistic expectations for ourselves. So, let's first release those unrealistic expectations and know that sometimes we're going to feel a little funky, and that's part of the human experience. And when we do, Reiki can help. Here's how...
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. Crystals are used by many Reiki practitioners in their in-person sessions. But can you use them in distance sessions, too. Yes, the ways in which we can use crystals in Reiki are infinite, and the ways in which we can use crystals in a distance Reiki session are infinite too.
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. Today I booked to attend a fair, and I've never done Reiki at a fair before so any advice is greatly appreciated. Do I need a screen for the session? How long should the session be? And prices!!! What do I charge?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. My biggest struggle in my Reiki business is building my client base and keeping it consistent for my in-person business. My current weakness is social media. I don't post a lot pertaining to my business. Is social media necessary?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing YouTube is awesome for all kinds of things...audiobooks, how-to tutorials, crazy cat videos. And it's also awesome for your Reiki business.
If you're not yet using this amazing tool for your Reiki business, this article just might encourage you to get on it. Even if you don't want to be a YouTube star or grow a channel, it's still a powerful tool for our Reiki business. Here are three reasons why. Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. Do you have a blog on your Reiki business website? I know what you're thinking...
Blogs are so 2003! Does anyone even write blogs anymore? Who does that?! But stick with me because not only are you right now on a blog, but a lot of what we find when we do a search for information and seek an answer to a question is blog articles. Whether on personal websites or company websites, we might not realize it, but a lot of the results are blog articles, and this can be a great way to bring people to your Reiki business website. At least it has been for me. It might work for you, too. Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing I know there are different types of Reiki, but is the energy in one type of Reiki better than another?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing I have had several people tell me that God is the only one that can heal and I am committing sin by practicing Reiki. Of course, I don’t believe this and I explain that God uses me and many others to heal people, but I still get hate. Any suggestions on how to deal with this?
Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. You're thinking about a mobile Reiki business, but don't know where to start. Here is my #1 tip for a mobile Reiki practice.
Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. I've heard of people selling Reiki on Etsy. What are you thoughts on that?
Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. I sometimes give away free Reiki sessions. Could these be considered a donation? Can I count them as a charitable contribution on my taxes?
Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. Here are 10 ways to become more grateful, courtesy of Robert Emmons.
Do you do any of these? Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. Wondering how to start your Reiki business?
Here are a few tips: 1. Decide to start. Make the decision and commit to starting. |