Christian Stone | Standing Stones Healing Co. Do you have any tips to get more people to attend a Reiki share? When I stop offering them in my studio, so many people ask me to host them or are interested in attending, but when I offer them and it's time to sign up, very few do. When I offer these it's just because I’d like to see the community come together. Thanks for this, and you are not alone. Many Reiki practitioners have this same experience with Reiki shares, and I've personally experienced it online. There are several challenges with these kinds of events and really any kind of event. First, it can be hard to find a good time for anyone/everyone and so some who might like to attend can't because of the time. Even times that we think would be good, like an evening or a weekend, don't always work for everyone. Second, humans typically also have the best of intentions to do something or follow through, but it doesn't happen as often as we think it might...even if we really do mean that we want to attend when we're asked. I don't know about you, but I've been interested in events and then decided I didn't want to attend after all. Maybe it was the weather or how I was feeling or that I had something more important or interesting come up. But studies have shown that we're actually not as good at determining what we'll want in the future as we think we are. This is why a lot of marketing research on what people will purchase doesn't give the best information: people express interest in buying something, but then when they have the opportunity, things have changed, including even the slightest of things like their schedule, their need to use the money for something else, decreased interest, or etc. In other words, it's not you: it's human behavior, and good luck figuring that out! But as far as tips for increasing attendance, here are a few: 1. Ask more people than you think will attend. Always people will say they'll be there and won't. Always you will have more sign ups than show ups. This is true for both free and paid events. It's not you: it's just something we all do. So get the word out to more people because fewer people will show up than say they will. 2. Ask people who expressed interest and didn't attend why they chose not to. The reasons why someone might not attend an event are numerous and individual. But if you find a reason that keeps coming up, such as the time or day, the location, or that one lady with the creepy vibe, then you can take action on it. One thing you might also find when you ask this question is that some people who express interest don't actually know what happens at a Reiki share or are new to Reiki. It's important to consider if the people you're inviting know what to expect and to offer clear information on what will happen during the Reiki share. Some people might not attend simply because they don't know what to expect or even what Reiki is! As far as bringing the community together, there are ways other than Reiki shares and it's important to do what's easiest/best/most aligned for you. Blessings to your community building! Oh wait...I have a Build Your Reiki Business podcast episode on that! See below... Comments are closed.