Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. Space clearing is a powerful practice for changing the energy of our physical spaces. Whether homes, offices, or businesses, we can use space clearing anytime we want to remove stagnant energy, bring in new energy, create or mark changes in our lives, or simply freshen up our space. This powerful process will have your home (or office) feeling like new! Before space clearing, I recommend decluttering and cleaning your space. This isn't a requirement for a space clearing, but it helps to get the energy moving and amplifies the effects of a space clearing. It's especially helpful to use decluttering and cleaning as part of the process by bringing a ritualistic approach and setting an intention as you declutter and clean. Setting the intention for the clearing, whether you want to get rid of energy or bring in a particular kind of energy, and keeping this thought in mind makes our space clearing even more powerful. Setting the intention is as simple as answering the question "Why am I doing this?"
1. To start the space clearing process, I'll first ground myself, address the space, set the intention, create sacred space, drum, flute, call in my guides and etc. This often takes places in the center of the space (room or house). 2. Then I move to the door. (In my own home, I usually start with the back door, which is used much more frequently than the front door. I start by facing the door and move to the right (clockwise) around the room. 3. As I move, I use my tingsha (I am blessed with an authentic, antique, handmade pair) to clear the energy starting at the floor and sounding them in an upward motion with extra "dings" at the corners. Any kind of bell is great to use, but clapping is also effective. At the door, I sound the bells all around the frame to give that area special attention. Doors are energetic portals in that energy is frequently flowing through them with our movements in and out of rooms. 4. Once I finish the first round with tingsha in a clockwise motion, I start again and do the same thing with incense or sage or etc. sweeping from the ground up with feathers. 5. On the third round, I send Reiki with special attention to the walls with a focus on the corners again (and always). Energy can stagnate and get stuck in corners, so I encourage slowing down at corners and clearing them more carefully than walls. Because I'm a Reiki practitioner, the third round of space clearing is an important step in my process, but if you're not a Reiki practitioner, just omit this step...a space clearing without Reiki is still powerful and effective. During all stages, I'm focusing on the intention and sending love and light. I then step to the next room moving clockwise. Some people encourage opening a window while space clearing to send the old energy out and welcome in the new. I often do this just because of the smoke, but my windows are always open from April-October, anyway. (I live with the windows wide open!) And I always advocate bringing fresh air into our spaces. I love keeping the windows open to bring in the fresh air. 6. To conclude, I go back to the center of the home where I began and give thanks to the home/space. This is how I do a space clearing, whether in my own home, a client's, or even a business. It is not the only way to clear a space, so definitely do what feels right to and resonates with you. The truly important things are to set the intention for the clearing, treat it as a special ritual, and honor and respect the space and its inhabitants throughout the process. Sending blessings to your space! Comments are closed.