Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. Before starting a session normally I would ground, protect, and center, and cleanse the room. But then I would draw symbols on my palms…or am I wrong? Then when starting a session, do we use all symbols at the top of the crown on a client and then draw them all on each chakra or is it the body positions? I know some people just use certain symbols for certain issues but I just want to remember the way it was taught. Thanks for this question, and the answer is yes! At least, if that's what feels right to you and resonates with you. If this is how you feel called to begin a session, then definitely go with it! But it's all about what feels right to you. There is no one way to do it and certainly no one way it should be done, so when you ask if that's wrong, the answer is definitely no, that is not wrong.
We are all taught different ways of practicing and different methods, and that's ok. When it comes to the symbols, you can use as many as you want as many times as you want. So you certainly can do it the way you describe, and that's great! Or you can do it differently, and that's great, too! You may end up changing your process in the future. My own practice looks different now than it did 7 years ago and will look different 7 years from now, too. It's ever evolving, as yours is and will be, too. Either way, you’re doing great!!! Blessings for your Reiki journey! Comments are closed.