Christian | Standing Stones Healing Co. I’m trying to think of a name for my Reiki business but I’m drawing a blank. Every time I think I have it - it’s already in use! Did you have the same problem? How did you go about choosing your name? I’ve been meditating hoping it will pop up, but no luck yet. Thanks for this great question. I encourage you not to stress too much about the name because, while a name is important for all kinds of reasons, you can always change it. If you pick a name and want to change it or expand your business, you can always choose another name and set up your business to be "Doing Business As" that other name. This is called a DBA, fictitious name, or assumed name depending upon the state. So if I ever wanted to change my business name to something other than Standing Stones Healing, I can establish a DBA and have Standing Stones Healing Co. DBA (new name here).
Make sure to check out my DBA? LLC? OMG! article for more information about the DBA/fictitious name. As far as my business name, I wanted to include “healing" because it's a buzzword that points to what it's all about, like “wellness" would be. But I encourage you to let it come to you and see how it feels. It's something you have to like yourself because you'll be using it all of the time on everything...or not because you can set up a DBA. hahaha! Thanks! Blessings to your business name! Comments are closed.